How to Score an A+ on your Omega-3 Test

How to Score an A+ on your Omega-3 Test

Posted by Declan Chapin on

As a Premier Catch customer, you probably do a great job of getting your omega-3s by eating seafood twice per week 😉 But have you ever wondered what your actual omega-3 number is? Read on to learn more about the leading way to find out. 

What is OmegaQuant?

Founder of OmegaQuant, Dr. Bill Harris, invented the Omega-3 Index test in 2004 as a way for researchers, doctors, and the public to assess the nutritional status of omega-3s EPA and DHA in the blood. However, during the past two years, OmegaQuant expanded its test range to include vitamin D, B12 and HbA1c tests. Millions of people are using these omega-3 tests to assess whether they are getting enough of these important nutrients from their diets.

For the month of October, we have partnered with OmegaQuant! When you order your test kit from OmegaQuant, you will be entered to win a $250 Premier Catch gift card. One winner will be selected each week. 

How do Omega-3 tests work?

When you take an Omega-3 Index test, it gives you a percentage, which is a measure of the amount of EPA and DHA in your blood - specifically your red blood cells. When you take an Omega-3 Index test it gives you a percentage. For example, if you have 64 fatty acids in a cell membrane and 3 are EPA and DHA, then you would have an Omega-3 Index of 4.6%. EPA and DHA are the most important fatty acids for heart health, mental health, immunity, vision, and more.  An Omega-3 Index of 8% or higher is ideal and is considered the lowest risk zone. However, most people test around 6% or below. And unfortunately in the US, most people are at 4% or below – the highest risk zone!

1. Order from OmegaQuant: Choose the test service you would like. The sample collection kit typically arrives in 3 to 5 days.

2. Collect Sample: Follow the simple kit instructions to collect your sample (prick your finger for blood)  from the comfort of home. Once you collect your sample, mail it back to our lab with the pre-paid envelope

3. Get Results:  In 2-4 weeks you will receive an email letting you know your personalized results are ready!

Why should you care about your Omega-3 Number?

Raising your Omega-3 Index to the desirable zone of 8% will help ensure you are getting enough of the right omega-3s — EPA and DHA — is super important to protect your health. Few nutrients have been studied as thoroughly as omega-3 fatty acids. DHA and EPA in particular have countless benefits for physical and mental wellbeing. 

Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to fight depression and reduce symptoms of anxiety. Consuming adequate amounts of omega-3s also significantly promote brain growth and development during pregnancy and early life. This brain growth leads to higher intelligence, better social skills, fewer behavioral problems, and a decreased risk of ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy for infants. Most impressively, new studies are finding that omega-3s fight age-related mental decline and can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's by 49% !!!  

The list of omega-3 benefits go on. EHA and DHA also support good sleep, radiant skin, eye health, and bone health, and prevent heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and some types of cancer. 

What next?

According to the American Heart Association, fish is the best dietary source for the omega-3s.

Increasing your dietary consumption of EPA+DHA can directly improve your Omega-3 Index.  “Fatty,” “oily,” and “cold-water” are terms used to describe fish with higher levels of EPA+DHA. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating 2 servings of fish per week, averaging out to 250 mg/day EPA+DHA. Other countries, such as Canada and Australia, recommend 400-500 mg/day EPA+DHA!!

Premier Catch makes it really easy to boost your omega-3 index with delicious, wild caught seafood. So whether you score an A+ on the omega-3 test or have some room to improve, make sure you are eating seafood twice per week!

Heart Health Mens Health Nutrition Omega-3s

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