Omega-3 protects our heart

How Omega-3s and Family History Play a Role in Protecting your Heart

Posted by Ashley Besecker, RDN on

Did you know that heart disease is still the leading cause of illness and death in most countries? It's a scary thought, and while we can't change our genetics, we can take steps to protect ourselves. One powerful tool? Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA found in oily fish.

A new study published in the journal Circulation highlights a key finding: individuals with a family history of heart disease may especially benefit from consuming oily fish like wild salmon, wild sablefish, and wild tuna.

This study:

  • Examined data from 15 studies
  • Totaled over 40,000 participants
  • Across 10 countries
  • Researchers looked at blood and tissue markers of omega-3 intake
  • Found a significant interaction between low EPA/DHA levels and a family history of heart disease.

What does this interaction mean? It suggests that for those predisposed to heart disease due to family history, not getting enough EPA/DHA significantly increases their risk.

The study authors believe that higher levels of EPA/DHA may help slow down or even prevent the progression of heart disease in those who are genetically susceptible. They recommend that individuals with a family history of heart disease be especially encouraged to consume foods rich in EPA/DHA, such as:

Previous research has consistently shown a link between omega-3s and heart health, but this study adds a new layer of understanding by highlighting the importance of family history and underscores the need for personalized dietary recommendations based on individual risk factors.

While you can't change your family history, you can make choices to support your heart health by making oily fish a regular part of your diet!

Family Health Heart Health Heart Healthy Mens Health Nutrition Omega-3s Research Womens Health

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